Gilded Phalynx Series
This series magnifies the organisms at the center of the transitional phase of decomposition. Towering trees are inevitably reduced into fine organic matter which then becomes fertile soil for new growth.
polyester, copper
Named after The Mystery of Edwin Drood, this site-specific installation presents haunting cocoons in various states of growth and absence. Their inhabitants and the nature of their departure from their suspended hosts remain a mystery to the viewer.
chicken wire, cheesecloth, latex, paint
Magnified representations of bagworm moth cocoons. Studios Without Walls.
chicken wire, latex, pine,
Five family members modeled after a small colony of meerkats. Height ranges from 4ft to 8ft. Studios Without Walls.
chickenwire, cheesecloth, latex, coir, paint
styrofoam, latex, paint
Subspecies Copper
The Conant Land is dark. It feels mysterious. While already rich in vegetation, it seems the perfect breeding ground for an unknown life form.
These forms are grown in place. Beautiful, yet inexplicable, their copper-leafed skin underscores this unfamiliar juxtaposition. It is a color and element which exists in nature. . . but not usually in this context.
urethane foam, copper leaf
Visceral Memories
Painful past memories find their way to the surface in the form of bodily ailments. To manifest these sources of pain independent from the body is to capture them and process them so they can be released.
styrofoam, latex, cheesecloth, paint, screening
Dr. Haeckel’s Annex
Dr. Haeckel’s Annex is a fantasy. A screen house acts as a nursery for living plants. A seed stalk of the plant mass rises from the center and a wooden offshoot holds a nest of cherry red metal shavings. Within the nest grow not birds, but tiny trees.
Relationships between indoor/outdoor, real/false, alive/dead are all at play in this piece. Put them all together and we get a small puzzle which can fluster our adult assumptions of how things are supposed to be.
wood, screen, and plants
In the Realm of Nature
A study of contrasts — where the artificial meets the natural.
styrofoam, cheesecloth, latex, paint, black beauty grit
The beginning of a long history of hanging pieces. The similarity of mummies to cocoons invites a natural examination of the the ways the beginning of a life cycle reflects its end.
chicken wire, plaster, cheesecloth, rope, black polyurethane
chicken wire, plaster, cheesecloth, rope,
Eggleston ravens
Faux Fleurs
The discovery of a roll of yellow polypropylene in the back of the attic sparked inspiration. What began as a yellow vine soon blossomed into flowers and leaves, the tendrils searching for a new surface to climb.
styrofoam, cheesecloth, paint, latex